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Saint Peter Verona, Martyr A.D. 1252

by VP

Posted on Monday April 29, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

St. Peter Verona, St. Catherine of Siena, Wake Forest

"In his youth he was singularly protected and preserved from heresy and licentiousness of morals. To fly more effectually from the danger of sin, he addressed himself to St. Dominic, and received from him the habit of his order. He practised his rule with the most scrupulous exactness and fidelity, and even went beyond it. He was the admiration of his brethren for his profound humility, incessant prayer, exact silence, and general mortification of his senses and inclinations. He was a professed enemy of idleness, which he knew to be the bane of all virtues. After he was promoted to the holy order of priesthood, he entirely devoted himself to preaching. He converted an incredible number of heretics and sinners. He suffered much from false accusations; but after some months his innocence was cleared, and his humility drew on his labours an increase of graces and benedictions. He had ever been the terror of the Manichean heretics; who at length hired two assassins to murder him. They lay in ambush for him, and martyred him on the road to Milan, in the year 1252, he being forty-six years old.

Join with the charity of this holy man this day. Fail not to offer up your daily prayers for all that are engaged in sin or error. Their ill state demands your compassion; and if you had a true sense of it, you would never be wanting in this charity. To live in sin, in the displeasure of God, and in the way to eternal misery, and that this is the case of such numbers of your fellow-members and brethren, is a thought which, in as many as have one spark of Christian charity and faith, must be followed by prayers and tears. My soul fainted away, says David, because of sinners that forsake Thy law. Let your charitable compassion have the same effect on you, and oblige you to bewail their misery. Such daily fainting of your soul may be a means of giving them life, and the best security of your own." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Prayer to St. Peter Verona, by Dom Gueranger:

"Obtain for us, O holy Martyr, a keen appreciation of the precious gift of Faith — that element which keeps us in the way of salvation. May we zealously do everything that lies in our power to preserve it, both in ourselves and in them that are under our care.

The love of this holy Faith has grown cold in so many hearts, and frequent intercourse with heretics or free-thinkers has made them think and speak of matters of Faith in a very loose way. Pray for them, O Peter, that they may recover that fearless love of the Truths of Religion which should be one of the chief traits of the Christian character. If they be living in a country where the modern system is introduced of treating all religions alike, that is, of giving equal rights to error and to truth, let them be all the more courageous in professing the truth and detesting the errors opposed to the truth.

Pray for us, O holy Martyr, that there may be kindled within us an ardent love of that Faith without which, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews xi. 6). Pray that we may become all earnestness in this duty which is of vital importance to salvation, that thus our Faith may daily gain strength within us, till at length we will merit to see in Heaven what we have believed unhesitatingly on Earth." Dom Gueranger


O Good Shepherd, You never cease to seek out the lost, to call home the stray, to comfort the frightened, and to bind up the wounded. I ask You to bring (mention names)….. back to the practice of the Faith, and to remove all obstacles that prevent them from receiving Your abundant mercy, which flows sacramentally through the heart of Your Holy Church.
Through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, their Guardian Angel(s), their Patron Saint(s) and the ever-prayerful Saint Monica, may You pardon their sins and unshackle them from whatever hinders their freedom to come Home. For You, O Good Shepherd, loved us to the end and offered Yourself to the Father For the salvation of all. Amen


Thank you for the Novena prayer for lapsed Catholics. May they all, especially our personally most dear ones, find their way Home, and soon.

Posted by Barbara Manson on April 29, 2024 at 08:18 AM EDT #

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