CAPG's Blog 

Saint Clare

by VP

Posted on Saturday August 12, 2023 at 01:18PM in Traditional Religious Order

"O CLARE, the reflection of the Spouse which adorns the Church in this world no longer suffices you. You now behold the light with open face. The brightness of the Lord plays with delight in the pure crystal of your soul, increasing the happiness of Heaven and giving joy this day to our valley of exile. Heavenly beacon, with your gentle shining enlighten our darkness.

May we, like you, by purity of heart, by uprightness of thought, by simplicity of gaze, fix on ourselves the divine ray which flickers in a wavering soul, is dimmed by our waywardness, is interrupted or put out by a double life divided between God and the world. Your life, O Virgin, was never thus divided. The most high poverty which was your mistress and guide preserved your mind from that bewitching of vanity which takes off the bloom of all true goods for us mortals. Detachment from all passing things kept your eye fixed on eternal realities. It opened your soul to that seraphic ardor in which you emulated your father Francis. Like the Seraphim, whose gaze is ever fixed on God, you had immense influence over the Earth, and Saint Damian’s, during your lifetime, was a source of strength to the world. Deign to continue giving us your aid. Multiply your daughters. Keep them faithful in following their Mother’s example, so as to be a strong support to the Church. May the various branches of the Franciscan family be ever fostered by your rays, and may all Religious Orders be enlightened by your gentle brightness. Shine on us all, O Clare, and show us the worth of this transitory life and of that which never ends. Abbot Dom Gueranger

New Year's Resolution? consider praying for more vocations and holy priests!

by VP

Posted on Thursday December 29, 2022 at 01:11PM in Traditional Religious Order

"If you're looking for a New Year's resolution, consider praying for more vocations & holy priests! Please keep our ‘22-‘23 #ICKSP seminarians in your prayers. May Our Lady assist & guide them through their discernment & journey to a grace-filled vocation. Deo gratias!"

An Enclosed Garden of God: The Joyful Mystery of a Traditional Carmelite Monastery

by VP

Posted on Thursday March 03, 2022 at 12:08PM in Traditional Religious Order

This documentary is intended to show the countercultural, “off the grid,” daily life of these Carmelites of Fairfield, PA through their eyes, as well as the experiences of the many volunteers and supporters of their community. It also sheds light on the concerns Cor Orans brings to their community’s Constitutions and explains why they desire to obtain a dispensation from Cor Orans.

Here is the Video

Silence in Mass

by VP

Posted on Thursday December 23, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.

The sacred language of Latin and the Mass

by VP

Posted on Tuesday December 21, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.

Toward the Lord: The celebration of the Mass ad orientem

by VP

Posted on Monday December 20, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.

WEEK 4 - THE SACRED LITURGY OF THE MASS From Genesis to the Apocalypse: The Mass as a summary of the history of salvation

by VP

Posted on Sunday December 19, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.

The Mass as a Sacrifice of Supplication

by VP

Posted on Thursday December 16, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.

The Mass as a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

by VP

Posted on Wednesday December 15, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.

The Mass and the Sacrifice of the Cross

by VP

Posted on Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 11:00PM in Traditional Religious Order

Stop missing out on the Mass, to understand what is happening there, to make the Eucharist the source and summit of your Christian life, follow our online training THE MASS IN MY LIFE. More information and free registration on

The videos are in French with English subtitles.