The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


"It needs no proof that a priest who sins against modesty in such a way as to involve the least breath of scandal, is false to his priesthood. Every priest is a Joseph, set by our Lord over his household with a special view to watching over its purity; a sheep-dog which starts running sheep is less unprofitable to its master, than a scandal-giving priest is to his. That, I hope, is clear enough to all of us."

-- Msgr. Ronald Knox ( The Priestly Life )

Prayer for Priests III

O Lord, Who delightest to effect by grace what the weakness of our nature cannot attain to, illuminate the Stewards of Thy Mysteries, especially Father [name] with Thy indwelling purity,that in the work of the ministry their word may go forth as fire to consume the evil, to melt the stony-hearted,to purify the unclean, to enlighten the ignorant,and to quicken the dead; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen