The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


"One well trained priest is worth more than many trained badly or scarcely at all. For such would be not merely unreliable but a likely source of sorrow to the Church. What a terrifying account, Venerable Brethren, We shall have to give to the Prince of Shepherds, to the Supreme Bishop of souls, if we have handed over these souls to incompetent guides and incapable leaders."

-- Pius XI (Ad Catholici Sacerdotti: Encyclical of Pope Pius XI on the Catholic Priesthood. 1935)

Prayer for the Bishop in Assigning Priests

God, Eternal Shepherd, You tend your Church in many ways and rule us with love. You have chosen your servant, Bishop (Name), to be the shepherd of Your flock. Give him a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. Inspire him to lay aside all worldly ambitions and concerns so that he may nurture us in the eternal truths of the Catholic Faith. May he be led by the Holy Spirit so that he will use wisdom and discernment in his choices in assigning new priests to the parishes of this diocese.

Blessed Virgin Mary, guard our bishop with your motherly care; bring him closer to your Son through your Immaculate Heart. Keep him pure and humble and grant that he may attain eternal life with those under his care.

Holy Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us.