The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group

For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.


Some may be surprised at this statement. So many today think of all sickness and infirmity as something evil or as a dreadful waste. Indeed many of the sick and disabled themselves fell as though they are on the sidelines of life, no longer able to do anything worthwhile.
This is far from the truth. Our faith teaches us that ill health or physical disability, if accepted with resignation to God's will, can be turned into a spiritual asset and be a rich source of spiritual activity. Therefore, the bedridden can truly "work" as apostles. The boy painfully moving on his braces or the woman limited to her wheelchair or the old man confined to his room can be very active in helping sow the seeds of a vocation in the soul of our youth.
You can take a very active part in the apostolate for vocations by doing these two things:
1/ Unite your sufferings in union with Our Lord's on Calvary and thus consecrate every pain, every weary hour - and do so with the intention of helping to foster vocations.
2/ Pray frequently for a great increase in vocations. Your prayers are very valuable, because you are more closely indetified with Our Lord because of the Cross you bear.
Think of the enormous blessing that can come to our diocese if thousands of our sick and infirm were to offer up to God their sufferings and prayers daily for the apostolate of vocations. Without leaving your home, you can greatly aid the Church in her vital need for more priests and sisters. You can indeed be working as an apostle.

-- Bishop Coleman F. Carroll (1962, South Miami, Florida)

Prayer of the Sick for Vocations

O God, Who through the sufferings and death of Thine Only Begotten Son, didst redeem the race of men, grant, we beseech Thee, that through the sufferings which I now humbly and patiently bear out of love for Thee and in union with Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Thou mayest be pleased to call to the sacred priesthood and the religious life generous youths who will dedicate themselves to the sublime vocation of bringing to souls the saving merits of the Passion and Death of the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.

Bishop Coleman F. Carroll (1962, Florida)