The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group
The Curé d'Ars Prayer Group
For the bishop and priests of the Raleigh, NC Diocese.
Our Savior in associating with Himself certain men to continue the work of redemption reserved to Himself the direct and immediate action on souls. He works through the priest, who is only His minister and instrument. If the instrument works according to the required conditions, its action is free and produces the desired effect. But if the instrument is corrupt and wicked, its action is impeded and produces no effect.
-- Jesus Living in the Priest, The General Idea of the Priest by Rev. Fr. Jacques Millet
Prayer for the Church
O good Jesus! Our Master, deliver Thy servants from the persecutions of their enemies.
Have pity on Thy people and turn their sorrow into joy. In the disordered state of society,
there is no one to whom we can have recourse, unless to Thee, O God!
Cast Thine eyes upon Thy Church; she mourns and Thou alone can come to her assistance.
Lord, give not over Thy servants to those who hate us, and let them not triumph over us.
Remember us, O Lord, and deliver us from our afflictions, Thou who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen
Month of the Sacred Heart or practical meditations for each day of the month of June by the Abbé Berlioux. 1885